Microbusiness Saturday Workshop Schedule

Oct 11, 2019 | Courses & Workshops

Join your Ventures peers and bring friends from the larger business community to Microbusiness Saturday. Microbusiness Saturday is a full day, public event to celebrate and elevate local microbusiness owners by providing one-one business coaching, workshops, resources, and panels discussion for businesses with less than 10 employees.

Buy your ticket online or at the door. Tickets are $15 for a half day (morning or afternoon) and $30 for a full day. Complimentary breakfast and lunch will be provided. Plus, King County Metro will be there giving away 25 $10 pre-loaded ORCA cards and $54 pre-loaded ORCA Lift cards for those who qualify! Please note: Ventures programs are available to everyone, regardless of ability or inability to pay. If you would like to attend this event but aren’t able to pay the fee, please let us know at check-in.

Unfortunately, we have had to cancel the following workshops:
  • Body Before Business: Self-Care Strategies for Solopreneurs
  • Don’t Let Employees Stress You Out
  • Do Less and Get More
  • 6 Steps to a Successful Marketing Campaign
  • Mesa redonda para negocios de servicios
  • Instagram Marketing

A few of our instructors had last-minute emergencies so we had to cancel their workshops but we have added new workshops on different topics. We apologize greatly for the inconvenience of this change. However, if you were planning to attend a specific workshop that has now been canceled and would prefer to receive a refund, please email ahollander@venturesnonprofit.org.

Check out the full, current schedule with new workshops below!

Small Business Resource Fair

10:00-11:45 am • Main Rooms A & B (1st floor)
Meet with representatives from community partners to learn how they can support your business. Representatives will be available from the City of Seattle Office of Labor Standards, the Greater Seattle Business Association (GSBA), Seattle Libraries, and King County Metro throughout the morning session.

One-on-One Business Coaching

10:00-11:45 am • Main Rooms A & B (1st floor)
Looking for personalized support for your business? Meet with business coaches from various backgrounds and areas of expertise. Available all day on a drop-in basis, stay on the first floor (rooms A & B) during any of the workshop session times to meet with a coach.

Morning Sessions A

Nuts & Bolts of a Business Plan for Your Loan Application

10:00-10:45 am • 2C (2nd floor)
Identify key points in the business life cycle where loans can support growth. Learn some of the factors that lenders use when deciding whether to approve a loan.Taught by Erin Williamson

Selling to Your Key Customer: Marketing & Sales Strategies to Get Better Results

10:00-11:30 am • 2B (2nd floor)
Learn how to build personas for key customers to more effectively reach and engage the right type of clientele to drive sales for your business. Taught by Joanna Mummert

Morning Sessions B

Q&A Session with WA State Agencies

11:00-11:45 am • 2B (2nd floor)
Have questions or feedback for WA State agencies, including the Department of Revenue (DOR), Secretary of State, and Employment Security Department? Come to this informal, informative panel to hear directly from the horse’s mouth about policies related to opening and running a business.

So You Wanna Open a Food Business?

11:00-11:45 am • 2C (2nd floor)
Thinking about opening a food business? Learn the basics of what you’ll need to know from Ventures’ food business experts. Taught by Christian Morales & Bonnie Chiffelle

InnoVentures 2020 Information Session

11:00-11:45 am • Ventures office (3rd floor)
Interested in applying to Ventures’ annual pitch competition? Hear more about the program and get tips on how to complete your application! Applications are due Monday, December 2. This is only for Ventures entrepreneurs. Taught by Amy Hollander

Networking Lunch

12:00-1:00 pm • Main Rooms A & B (1st floor)
Meet up on the main floor to mix and mingle with fellow entrepreneurs for a lunch break. The buffet-style lunch is included with your ticket!

One-on-One Business Coaching

1:15-3:30 pm • Main Rooms A & B (1st floor)
Looking for personalized support for your business? Meet with business coaches from various backgrounds and areas of expertise. Available all day on a drop-in basis, stay on the first floor (rooms A & B) during any of the workshop session times to meet with a coach.

Afternoon Sessions A

Networking for Business: Building Referral Partners

1:15-2:15 pm • 2C (2nd floor)
Learn strategies on how to network with an eye for building your network of contacts that can bring new customers to your business. Taught by Joanna Mummert

What to Know When You Need Cash for Your Business

1:15-2:15 pm • 3B (3rd floor)
Looking for money to launch or grow your business? Not all funding sources are created equal. Get informed about different funding options and find out what you need to look out for when looking for cash. Taught by Erin Williamson

Afternoon Sessions B

10 Steps to File Business Taxes

2:30-3:30 pm • 3B (3rd floor)
Tax time is just around the corner. Come learn year-end wrap-up tips to help get your business records in shape so you can have a less taxing and more relaxing tax season. Taught by Meka West

Eliminate the Chaos & Get It Done: Time Management & Goal-setting for Solopreneurs,

2:30-3:30 pm • 2B (2nd floor)
Learn strategies to become more effective at what you do. These skills transfer from business to personal life and vice versa. Taught by Joanna Mummert

Get your ticket!

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