Frequently Asked Questions

How does your program work?

Ventures offers a robust set of programs, services, and support to entrepreneurs looking to start or grow a business. The first step is registering for our free Information Session in which you will learn about Ventures programs, connect with other entrepreneurs, and have the opportunity to interview for our 8-week Business Basics Course. To interview for our Business Basics Course, you must have a clear and focused business idea and meet our income guidelines.

What are the income limits to be eligible for the Ventures program?

Ventures verifies income to ensure that we are assisting people with low incomes. We use total household income to determine eligibility. Use the table below to verify that you are eligible to join Ventures, starting with the number of people in your household.

People in Household Max. MONTHLY Income Max. ANNUAL Income
1 $5,887.50 $70,650
2 $6,729.16 $80,750
3 $7,570.83 $90,850
4 $8,408.33 $100,900
5 $9,083.33 $109,000
6 $9,754.16 $117,050
7 $10,429.16 $125,150
8 $11,100.00 $133,200
How much does your program cost?

Ventures’ program costs $2,000 per person. However, thanks to community support who believe in our mission, business owners pay a sliding scale fee of $50, $100, or $200 for the full course, depending on household size and total household income. Entrepreneurs are never turned away if unable to pay, and are encouraged to contribute what is appropriate for them if unable to pay the fee.

People in Household Income Less than Income Between Income Between
1 $25,100 $25,101 – $41,800 $41,801 – $66,700
2 $28,650 $28,651 – $47,800 $47,801 – $76,200
3 $32,250 $32,251 – $53,750 $53,751 – $85,750
4 $35,800 $35,801 – $59,700 $59,701 – $95,250
5 $38,700 $38,701 – $64,500 $64,501 – $102,900
6 $41,550 $41,551 – $69,300 $69,301 – $110,500
7 $44,400 $44,401 – $74,050 $74,051 – $118,150
8 $47,300 $47,301 – $78,850 $78,851 – $125,750
COST $50 $100 $200
What are "acceptable forms of proof of income?"

Ventures verifies income to ensure that we serve our mission to assist people with low incomes to start small businesses. We ask that you submit proof of income eligibility with your Business Basics Course application. Please provide proof of income for each member of your household earning income. You may provide any of the following as proof:

  • Three months of pay stubs from employment
  • IRS tax form 1040
  • Letters of Entitlement from any form of public assistance (Food Stamps, SSI, TANF, Refugee Assistance Grants,       Unemployment Receipts, etc.)
I already have a business. Do I still have to go through your Business Basics Course?

Yes, the Business Basics Course benefits a business at any stage. This course also helps entrepreneurs think differently about their business and helps existing business owners be more effective and efficient in their business. Sign up for the next Information Session.

I took the 8-week course a long time ago. Can I retake the course?

We’re so happy you are interested in reconnecting with us. Due to the demand, we have for our programs, instead of retaking the course, we can match you with a business coach based on the type of business you have. Contact programs(at) to reconnect.

I am looking for resources to start my business and I know you guys help small businesses, right?

Yes, we do work with small businesses and offer courses, workshops, access to capital, business incubation programs, and business coaching. The first step in learning more about our programs is to Sign up for the next Information Session

I need help filing my taxes. Do you guys help with that?

We do work with entrepreneurs, to help them in filing business taxes. Business coaching is one of the small business services that we provide. We offer tax workshops during tax season, as well as helping them with individual filings. If you are an entrepreneur who has already worked with Ventures, please connect with us by emailing programs(at) If you haven’t taken our Business Basics course, you can Sign up for the next Information Session.

I'd like to set up a meeting with a business coach.

Great! We would love to support you and your business with our coaching services. If you are an entrepreneur who has already worked with Ventures, please connect with us by emailing programs(at) If you haven’t taken our Business Basics Course, you can sign up for the next Information Session.

I went into your store in Pike Place Market and I would like to get my product on the shelf.

The Ventures Marketplace is an opportunity for product businesses to get their products into customers’ hands. We have our Pike Place Market retail store as well as our online store in which a product business can sell while at the same time receiving valuable business coaching and other small business services.

If you have completed the Ventures Business Basics Course, email programs(at) If you are new to Ventures, sign up for the next Information Session.

I am looking for a loan or IDA for my business. How do I apply for one?

Access to capital is one of the Specialized Services we offer to help entrepreneurs grow their businesses. Learn more about the requirements for our small business loans. (We do not offer IDAs). If you have completed Ventures’ Business Basics Course, email programs(at) If you are new to Ventures, sign up for the next Information Session.

Ventures News

Learn How We’re Building Businesses and Changing Lives


Ventures Celebrates Women’s History Month

Ventures Celebrates Women’s History Month

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25 Year Anniversary

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